The Archetypal Universe
"I don't know any other book that combines impeccable scholarship with deep experiential knowledge of the human unconscious. I believe this book will become a favorite astrological guide for people doing serious inner work."
Stanislav Grof
author of The Adventure of Self-Discovery and Psychology of the Future
“I predict that within a few years, Renn Butler’s masterful encyclopedia of planetary pairs and triads, as they come together in the natal chart by transit or in relationship charts, will be a well-thumbed volume on many an astrologer’s book shelf.”
Steven Forrest
author of The Inner Sky and Yesterday’s Sky
“The depths of Butler’s compassion shine through in this important . . . contribution to the field of dream studies with his introduction of holotropic dreamwork, which he situates within the Jungian and Grofian lineages. . . . This book will be a truly valuable resource to the wider astrological, holotropic, psychedelic, and dreamwork communities.”
Erica Jones, realimaginal.com
“Whether you’re a novice or professional, this book is a must-read. The information is new, exciting and applicable—Butler had me at the introduction and I devoured it to the end. Every astrological library needs this book.”
Joanne Wickenburg
author of The Solar Return Chart and Reframing Transits
Online Class
I am excited to present a sixth-month online
course in archetypal and holotropic
astrology this fall, leading to certification.
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The Astrology of Love and
The Astrology of Love and Relationships follows beautifully on the heels of his excellent and insightful handbook of planetary combinations, The Archetypal Universe. . . . Each section is a treat to read, like selecting chocolates from a delicious assortment tailored specifically to one’s personal astrological alignments. Permeated with humor and depth, this book is thoroughly researched and accessible both to newcomers to astrology as well as seasoned skygazers.
Becca Tarnas, PhD
Author of Journey to the Imaginal Realm
Whether you are new to the transpersonal view of the psyche or a seasoned professional, you will find this book an excellent resource to return to, time and time again. Butler’s writing is erudite, accessible, and concise—which displays his obvious expertise in navigating the archetypal realms. From birth to death (and through our many incarnations), our lives are an expression of cosmic archetypal forces which shape us . . . as much as we shape them! This book illuminates some of the dynamics of that sacred interplay and offers strategies of how to participate more consciously in the Divine dance.
Patricia L. Walsh
Author of Understanding Karmic Complexes
Pathways to Wholeness
A Map for the Inner Quest
Described by Stanislav Grof as “the Rosetta Stone of consciousness research,” archetypal astrology is based on a correspondence between planetary alignments and archetypal patterns in human experience. By drawing on the work of Richard Tarnas and Grof, Butler systematically describes the archetypal themes and qualities associated with each of the major planetary combinations studied in astrology and considers how these themes might manifest and be supported in deep psychological self-exploration. Based on over thirty years of research, Pathways to Wholeness is an indispensable reference book for explorers of the inner worlds.
"The writing is clear and accessible. The spirit of the book is modest and compassionate. The resulting work is an invaluable guide for all those courageous individuals and therapists who are engaged in exploring the unfolding mystery of the psyche and its relationship with the greater cosmos."
Richard Tarnas, Ph.D, professor of psychology and cultural history, California Institute of Integral Studies, author of The Passion of the Western Mind, Prometheus the Awakener, and Cosmos and Psyche.
"An extraordinary book that represents an important contribution both to astrology and to transpersonal psychology. I believe that responsible work with psychedelics and other holotropic states combined with archetypal astrology is the future of psychiatry, psychology, and psychotherapy."
Stanislav Grof, M.D., author of Realms of the Human Unconscious, The Adventure of Self-Discovery, Psychology of the Future, and as co- author, Holotropic Breathwork.
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